The static county attributes are estimated at various time points from 1990 to 2020. They describe the demographic and socioeconomic status of a county. Most attributes are direct estimates of attributes of the target populations from survey sample data. A few cancer-related attributes, such as smoking prevalence and percentage of mammography use, are developed through model-based small area estimation techniques using data from national surveys and multiple related sources. All attributes are static with respect to the diagnosis/death year, in that attributes estimated at each time point are linked to cancer cases diagnosed or deaths occurred in any year at the county level. For example, the percent of persons with at least a bachelor's degree estimated from the American Community Survey 2018-2022 5-year estimates is linked at the county level, and the same value is used regardless of diagnosis/death years.

Descriptions of the county attributes variables and county groupings are provided below.

Direct Estimates

2018-2022 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2018-2022 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2018-2022 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2018-2022 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2018-2022 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2018-2022 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2018-2022 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed:(B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2018-2022 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2018-2022 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2018-2022 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2022 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2018-2022 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over
  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100
Ages 5 and over
  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • oved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2018-2022 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2018-2022 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2018-2022 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2017-2021 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2017-2021 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2017-2021 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2017-2021 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2017-2021 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2017-2021 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2017-2021 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2017-2021 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2017-2021 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2017-2021 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2021 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2021 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2017-2021 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over
  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100
Ages 5 and over
  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • oved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2017-2021 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2017-2021 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2017-2021 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2016-2020 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2016-2020 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2016-2020 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2016-2020 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2016-2020 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2016-2020 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2016-2020 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2016-2020 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2016-2020 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2016-2020 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2020 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2020 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2016-2020 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over
  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100
Ages 5 and over
  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2016-2020 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2016-2020 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2016-2020 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2015-2019 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2015-2019 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2015-2019 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2015-2019 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2015-2019 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2015-2019 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2015-2019 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2015-2019 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2015-2019 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2015-2019 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2019 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2019 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2015-2019 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over
  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100
Ages 5 and over
  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2015-2019 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2015-2019 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2015-2019 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2014-2018 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2014-2018 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2014-2018 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2014-2018 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2014-2018 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2014-2018 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2014-2018 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2014-2018 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2014-2018 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2014-2018 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2018 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2018 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2014-2018 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2014-2018 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2014-2018 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2013-2017 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2013-2017 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2013-2017 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2013-2017 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2013-2017 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2013-2017 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2013-2017 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2013-2017 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100
Foreign Born

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2013-2017 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2013-2017 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2013-2017 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2017 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2017 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2013-2017 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2013-2017 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2013-2017 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2013-2017 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2012-2016 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2012-2016 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2012-2016 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2012-2016 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06+B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25+B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2012-2016 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2012-2016 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2012-2016 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2012-2016 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2012-2016 ACS table C16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((C16002e04 + C16002e07 + C16002e10 + C16002e13) / C16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2012-2016 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2016 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2016 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2012-2016 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the US and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2012-2016 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2012-2016 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2012-2016 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2011-2015 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2011-2015 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2011-2015 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2011-2015 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06 + B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25 + B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2011-2015 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2011-2015 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e0 3 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2011-2015 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2011-2015 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2011-2015 ACS table B16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((B16002e04 + B16002e07 + B16002e10 + B16002e13) / B16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2011-2015 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2015 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2015 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2011-2015 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / ( B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2011-2015 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2011-2015 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2011-2015 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2010-2014 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2010-2014 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2010-2014 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2010-2014 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06 + B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25 + B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2010-2014 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2010-2014 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2010-2014 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2010-2014 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2010-2014 ACS table B16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((B16002e04 + B16002e07 + B16002e10 + B16002e13) / B16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2010-2014 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2014 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2014 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2010-2014 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2010-2014 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2010-2014 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2010-2014 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2009-2013 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2009-2013 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2009-2013 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2009-2013 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06 + B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25 + B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2009-2013 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2009-2013 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2009-2013 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2009-2013 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2009-2013 ACS table B16002: Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status. The United States Census Bureau defines a limited English speaking household as a household in which no member 14 years old and over speaks only English or speaks a non-English language and speaks English "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((B16002e04 + B16002e07 + B16002e10 + B16002e13) / B16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2009-2013 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2013 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2013 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2009-2013 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2009-2013 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2009-2013 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2009-2013 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2008-2012 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2008-2012 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2008-2012 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2008-2012 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + ... + B01001e06 + B01001e27 + ... + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + ... + B01001e25 + B01001e44 + ... + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2008-2012 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2008-2012 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • <HS grad: ((B15002e03 + ... + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + ... + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + ... + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + ... + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2008-2012 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2008-2012 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2008-2012 ACS table B16002: Household Language by Households in Which No One 14 and Over Speaks English Only or Speaks a Language Other Than English at Home and Speaks English “Very Well.”. The United States Census Bureau defines linguistically isolated as a household in which all members 14 years old and over speak a non-English language and also speak English less than "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((B16002e04 + B16002e07 + B16002e10 + B16002e13) / B16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2008-2012 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2012 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2012 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2008-2012 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33-B07001e34) / (B07001e01-B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65 - B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81 - B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2008-2012 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year. This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000. The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2008-2012 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2008-2012 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + ... + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2007-2011 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2007-2011 are calculated using the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year files. The technical documentation for the 2007-2011 ACS files is available from the United States Census Bureau at: (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., B01001e01) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table B01001: Sex by Age from the 2007-2011 ACS data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((B01001e03 + … + B01001e06 + B01001e27 + … + B01001e30) / B01001e01) * 100
  • 65+: ((B01001e20 + … + B01001e25 + B01001e44 + … + B01001e49) / B01001e01) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the 2007-2011 ACS table B25014: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((B25014e05 + B25014e06 + B25014e07 + B25014e11 + B25014e12 + B25014e13) / B25014e01) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the 2007-2011 ACS table B15002: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and Over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • < 9th grade: ((B15002e03 + … + B15002e06 + B15002e20 + … + B15002e23) / B15002e01) * 100
  • < HS grad: ((B15002e03 + … + B15002e10 + B15002e20 + … + B15002e27) / B15002e01) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((B15002e15 + … + B15002e18 + B15002e32 + … + B15002e35) / B15002e01) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the 2007-2011 ACS data in table B23025: Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (B23025e05 / B23025e03) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the 2007-2011 ACS table B05002: Place of Birth by Nativity and Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (B05002e13 / B05002e01) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from 2007-2011 ACS table B16002: Household Language by Households in Which No One 14 and Over Speaks English Only or Speaks a Language Other Than English at Home and Speaks English “Very Well.”. The United States Census Bureau defines linguistically isolated as a household in which all members 14 years old and over speak a non-English language and also speak English less than "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((B16002e04 + B16002e07 + B16002e10 + B16002e13) / B16002e01) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the 2007-2011 ACS data. Median household income is from table B19013: Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2011 Inflation Adjusted Dollars). Median family income is from table B19113: Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2011 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).


Table B07001: Geographical Mobility in the Past Year by Age for Current Residence in the United States of the 2007-2011 ACS data was used to create 10 migration variables. There are 5 basic variables: percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. These 5 migration variables are calculated for persons 1 and over and persons 5 and over. The formulas for these are:

Ages 1 and over

  • Same house: (B07001e17 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (B07001e33 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (B07001e49 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (B07001e65 / B07001e01) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: (B07001e81 / B07001e01) * 100

Ages 5 and over

  • Same house: ((B07001e17 - B07001e18) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: ((B07001e33 - B07001e34) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: ((B07001e49 - B07001e50) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((B07001e65-B07001e66) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((B07001e81-B07001e82) / (B07001e01 - B07001e02)) * 100

*The migration attributes in the 2007-2011 ACS are geographical mobility in the past year.  This is different than what was available in 1990 and 2000.  The 1990 and 2000 attributes variables look at residence in 1985 and 1995.


The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables C17002 and B17010 from the 2007-2011 ACS data. Table C17002 is Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. Table B17010 is Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((C17002e02 + C17002e03) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (B17010e02 / B17010e01) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the 2007-2011 ACS table C17002: Ratio of Income to Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((C17002e02 + … + C17002e05) / C1702e01) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((C17002e02 + … + C17002e07) / C1702e01) * 100

2010 County Attributes

The percent urban county attribute variable for 2010 is calculated using the 2000 SF1 file. The technical documentation for the 2010 SF1 file is available from the United States Census Bureau (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variable and the formula. The variable labels (e.g., P002001) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.


The percent of persons living in urban areas is calculated from SF1 table P2: Urban and Rural. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Urban: (P002002 / P002001) * 100

2000 & 1990 Race and Hispanic Ethnicity Percentages

Race/Hispanic percentages for the following variables were obtained from SEER*Stat Population Databases:

  • Black
  • American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • Asian/Pacific Islander
  • Non-White (previously percent Minority)
  • Minority (including Hispanic-White)
  • Hispanic

These populations are calculated from the National Cancer Institute's modified populations (see

2000 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 2000 are calculated using the 2000 SF files. The technical documentation for the 2000 SF files is available from the United States Census Bureau. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., P012003) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table P12: Sex by Age from the SF1 data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((P012003 + ... + P012006 + P012027 + ... + P012030) / P012001) * 100
  • 65+: ((P012020 + ... + P012025 + P012044 + ... + P012049) / P012001) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the SF3 table H20: Tenure by Occupants per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((H020005 + H020006 + H020007 + H020011 + H020012 + H020013) / H020001) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the SF3 table P37: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • < 9th grade: ((P037003 + ... + P037006 + P037020 + ... + P037023) / P037001) * 100
  • < HS grad: ((P037003 + ... + P037010 + P037020 + ... + P037027) / P037001) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((P037015 + ... + P037018 + P037032 + ... + P037035) / P037001) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the SF3 data in table P43: Sex by Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (P043007 + P043014) / (P043005 + P043012)) * 100

The percent of persons who work in white collar occupations is calculated from the SF3 data in table P50: Sex by Occupation for the Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over. The formula used to calculate percent white collar is:

  • White collar: ((P050003 + P050026 + P050050 + P050073) / P050001) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the SF3 table P21: Place of Birth by Citizenship Status. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (P021013 / P021001) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from SF3 table P20: Households Language by Linguistic Isolation. The United States Census Bureau defines linguistically isolated as a household in which all members 14 years old and over speak a non-English language and also speak English less than "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((P0200004 + P020007 + P020010 + P020013) / P020001) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the SF3 data. Median household income is from table P53: Median Household Income in 1999. Median family income is from table P77: Median Family Income in 1999.


Table P24: Residence in 1995 for the Population 5 Years and Over-State and County Level of the SF3 data was used to create 5 migration variables. These are percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. The formulas for these are:

  • Same house: (P024002 / P024001) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (P024005 / P024001) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (P024007 / P024001) * 100
  • Moved, different state: (P024008 / P024001) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((P024013 + P024016) / P024001) * 100

The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables P87 and P90 from the SF3 data. Table P87 is Poverty Status in 1999 by age for population for whom poverty status is determined. Table P90 is Poverty Status in 1999 of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: (P087002 / P087001) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (P090002 / P090001) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the SF3 table P88: Ratio of Income in 1999 to Poverty Level. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((P088002 + ... + P088006) / P088001) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((P088002 + ... + P088009) / P088001) * 100

The percent of persons living in urban areas is calculated from SF3 table P5: Urban and Rural. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Urban: (P005002 / P005001) * 100

2000 County Attributes by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity

The race specific county attribute variables for 2000 are calculated using the 2000 SF 4 files. These variables are calculated for the race groups White alone, Black alone, American Indian/Alaska Native alone, Asian/Pacific Islander alone, Non-Hispanic White alone and Hispanics. The technical documentation for the 2000 SF files is available from the United States Census Bureau (PDF). The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., PCT064003) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.


Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the SF4 table PCT64: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • < 9th grade: ((PCT064003 + ... + PCT064006 + PCT064020 + ... + PCT064023) / PCT064001) * 100
  • < HS grad: ((PCT064003 + ... + PCT064010 + PCT064020 + ... + PCT064027) / PCT064001) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((PCT064015 + ... + PCT064018 + PCT064032 + ... + PCT064035) / PCT064001) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the SF4 data in table PCT79: Sex by Age by Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: ((PCT079008 + PCT079015 + PCT079022 + PCT079029 + PCT079036 + PCT079043 + PCT079050 + PCT079057 +
    PCT079064 + PCT079071 + PCT079078 + PCT079085 + PCT079092 + PCT079100 + PCT079107 + PCT079114 +
    PCT079121 + PCT079128 + PCT079135 + PCT079142 + PCT079149 + PCT079156 + PCT079163 + PCT079170 +
    PCT079177 + PCT079184) / (PCT079006 + PCT079013 + PCT079020 + PCT079027 + PCT079034 + PCT079041 +
    PCT079048 + PCT079055 + PCT079062 + PCT079069 + PCT079076 + PCT079083 + PCT079090 + PCT079098 +
    PCT079105 + PCT079112 + PCT079119 + PCT079126 + PCT079133 + PCT079140 + PCT079147 + PCT079154 +
    PCT079161 + PCT079168 + PCT079175 + PCT079182)) * 100

The percent of persons who work in white collar occupations is calculated from the SF4 data in table PCT86: Sex by Occupation for the Employed Civilian Population 16 Years and Over. The formula used to calculate percent white collar is:

  • White collar: ((PCT086003 + PCT086061 + PCT086062 + PCT086129 + PCT086187 + PCT086188) / PCT086001) * 100

The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables PCT142 and PCT157 from the SF4 data. Table PCT142 is Poverty Status in 1999 by Sex and Age for the population for whom poverty status is determined. Table PCT157 is Poverty Status in 1999 of Families by Family Type by Presence of Related Children Under 18 Years by Age of Related Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: (PCT142002 / PCT142001) * 100
  • Families below poverty: (PCT157002 / PCT157001) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the SF4 table PCT141: Ratio of Income in 1999 to Poverty Level. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((PCT141002 + ... + PCT141007) / PCT141001)) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((PCT141002 + ... + PCT141010) / PCT141001)) * 100

1990 County Attributes

The county attribute variables for 1990 are calculated using the 1990 STF1 and STF3 files. The following is a brief description of the county attribute variables and the formulas. The variable labels (e.g., P0110001) refer to specific table cells for a given variable and are defined in the technical documentation for that variable.



The percent of persons under age 18 and the percent of persons ages 65 and over are calculated using table P11: Age from the STF1 data. The formulas used to calculate these are:

  • <18: ((P0110001 + ... + P0110012) / (P0110001 + ... + P0110031)) * 100
  • 65+: ((P0110027 + ... + P0110031) / (P0110001 + ... + P0110031)) * 100

The percent of households with more than one person per room is calculated from the STF3 table H69: Tenure by Plumbing Facilities by Persons per Room. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Crowding: ((H0690002 + H0690003 + H0690005 + H0690006 + H0690008 + H0690009 + H0690011 + H0690012) /
    (H0690001 + ... + H0690012)) * 100
Educational Attainment

Three education percentage variables are calculated from the STF3 table P57: Sex by Educational Attainment for the Population 25 Years and over. The percent with less than 9th grade, less than high school graduate and at least a bachelor's degree are calculated, as follows:

  • < 9th grade: (P0570001 / (P0570001 + ... + P0570007)) * 100
  • < HS grad: ((P0570001 + P0570002) / (P0570001 + ... + P0570007)) * 100
  • At least bachelor's degree: ((P0570006 + P0570007) / (P0570001 + ... + P0570007)) * 100

The percent of persons ages 16 and over who are unemployed is calculated using the STF3 data in table P70: Sex by Employment Status for the Population 16 Years and Over. The percent unemployed is calculated for civilians in the labor force. Persons in the armed forces or not in the labor force are not included in the calculation. The formula used is:

  • Unemployed: (P0700003 + P0700007) / (P0700002 + P0700003 + P0700006 + P0700007)) * 100

The percent of persons who work in white collar occupations is calculated from the STF3 data in table P78: Occupation for the Employed Persons 16 Years and Over. The formula used to calculate percent white collar is:

  • White collar: ((P0780001 + P0780002 + P0780003 + P0780007 + P0780009) / (P0780001 + ... P0780013)) * 100

The percent of persons who are foreign-born is calculated using the STF3 table P42: Place of Birth. The formula used for this is:

  • Foreign-born: (P0420009 / (P0420001 + ... + P0420009)) * 100
Language Isolation

The percent of households that are linguistically isolated is calculated from STF3 table P29: Households Language by Linguistic Isolation. The United States Census Bureau defines linguistically isolated as a household in which all members 14 years old and over speak a non-English language and also speak English less than "Very well" (have difficulty with English). The formula used to calculate percent language isolation is:

  • Language isolation: ((P0290002 + P0290004 + P0290006) / (P0290001 + ... + P0290007) * 100
Median Income

Median household income and median family income were taken from the STF3 data. Median household income is from table P80A: Median Household Income in 1989. Median family income is from table P107A: Median Family Income in 1989.


Table P43: Residence in 1985 for the Population 5 Years and Over-State and County Level of the STF3 data was used to create 5 migration variables. These are percent of persons in the same house (no migration), moved but in the same county, moved from a different county but in the same state, moved from a different state in the U.S. and moved from outside the U.S. The formulas for these are:

  • Same house: (P0430001 / (P0430001 + ... + P0430010)) * 100
  • Moved, same county: (P0430002 / (P0430001 + ... + P0430010)) * 100
  • Moved, different county, same state: (P0430003 / (P0430001 + ... + P0430010)) * 100
  • Moved, different state: ((P0430004 + ... + P0430007) / (P0430001 + ... + P0430010)) * 100
  • Moved, outside the U.S.: ((P0430008 + ... + P0430010) / (P0430001 + ... + P0430010)) * 100

The percent of persons and percent of families whose incomes are below the poverty level are calculated using tables P117 and P123 from the STF3 data. Table P117 is Poverty Status in 1989 by age for population for whom poverty status is determined. Table P123 is Poverty Status in 1989 of Families by Family Type by Presence and Age of Children. The formulas for these are:

  • Persons below poverty: ((P1170013 + ... + P1170024) / (P1170001 + ... + P1170024)) * 100
  • Families below poverty: ((P1230013 + ... + P1230024) / (P1230001 + ... + P1230024)) * 100

The percent of persons who are below 150 percent of the poverty level and percent of persons who are below 200 percent of the poverty level are calculated using the STF3 table P121: Ratio of Income in 1989 to Poverty Level. The formula for this is:

  • Persons below 150% poverty: ((P1210001 + ... + P1210005) / (P1210001 + ... + P1210009)) * 100
  • Persons below 200% poverty: ((P1210001 + ... + P1210008) / (P1210001 + ... + P1210009)) * 100

The percent of persons living in urban areas is calculated from STF3 table P6: Urban and Rural. The formula used to calculate this is:

  • Urban: ((P0060001 + P0060002) / (P0060001 + ... + P0060004)) * 100

Rural-Urban Continuum Codes

Rural-Urban Continuum Codes were developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Rural-Urban Continuum Codes form a classification scheme that distinguishes metropolitan (metro) counties by the population size of their metro area, and nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) counties by degree of urbanization and adjacency to a metro area or areas. For more information about using Rural-Urban Continuum Codes, go to Rural-Urban Continuum Codes in SEER*Stat.

Cost-of-Living Index and Adjustments

A cost-of-living index has been developed based on the Economic Policy Institute’s Basic Family BudgetExternal Web Site Policy analysis project. This project estimated the dollar values needed for basic family expenditures (food, housing, transportation, health care, child care, other necessities, and taxes) for metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in each state in 2004. Family budget values for a two parent, one child family were used to generate this index.

The index value is the ratio of the local cost-of-living to the U.S. population-weighted mean cost-of-living. Counties with values over 1.0 have higher cost-of-living than the U.S. mean; counties with values less than 1.0 have lower cost-of-living. Counties within the same metropolitan area will have the same cost-of-living index value, as do rural counties in a given state. 

Based on this index, we provide adjusted values for median household income and median family income for the 2000 census. This cost-of-living index can be used to adjust other dollar values used in a given research project by dividing the dollar value by the cost-of-living index. 

Persistent Poverty

Persistent poverty (PP) counties defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture are areas where 20 percent or more of the residents were living below the poverty level for the past 30 years. This definition was used to create a 2-level indicator (county classified as persistent poverty or non- persistent poverty) at four time points that end with the 1990, 2000 censuses, and 2007-11, 2015-19 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. For more information on these estimates, go to the USDA web site.

Model-based Estimates

Modeled Small Area Estimates for Cancer-Related Attributes

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) were used to develop estimates for current smoking prevalence, ever smoking prevalence, former smoker prevalence, long term former smoker prevalence, mammography prevalence within 2 years, pap smear test prevalence within 3 years, ever having a home-based FOBT, ever having a colorectal endoscopy, and ever having a colorectal cancer test. The following estimates are available:

  • Current smoking prevalence ages 18 and over for both sexes combined, male and female are available for 1997-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2007, 2008-2010, 2011-2013 and 2014-2016
  • Ever smoking prevalence ages 18 and over for both sexes combined, male and female are available for 1997-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2007 and 2008-2010
  • Former smoking prevalence and long term former smoker quitting > 1 year ages 18 and over for both sexes combined, male and female are available for 2011-2013 and 2014-2016
  • Mammography prevalence within 2 years ages 40 and over are available for 1997-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2007, 2008-2010, and 2011-2016 and for 2011-2016 for ages 50-74
  • Pap smear test prevalence within 3 years ages 18 and over are available for 1997-1999, 2000-2003, 2004-2007, 2008-2010, and 2011-2016
  • Colorectal endoscopy and colorectal tests are available for 2004-2007 and 2008-2010
  • Estimates for ages 50 and over for FOBT are available for 2004-2007 and 2008-2010

For more information on the development these estimates, go to the Small Area Estimates web site.

County Groupings

Health Service Areas (HSA)

Health Service Areas (HSA) were originally defined by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to be a single county or cluster of contiguous counties which are relatively self-contained with respect to hospital care. For further information please visit Health Statistics-Health Service Areas for the United States (PDF).

To make these groups of geographic areas work with SEER*Stat, modifications were made when necessary. Additionally, smaller sets of HSAs were created to match with SEER registry groupings. For more information about using Health Service Areas, go to Health Service Areas (HSA) in SEER*Stat.

Purchased/Referred Care Delivery Areas (PRCDA) (Formerly CHSDA)

A purchased/referred care delivery area (PRCDA) is a geographic area within which purchased/referred care is made available by the Indian Health Service (IHS) to members of an identified Indian community who reside in the area. A PRCDA was formerly a contract health service delivery area (CHSDA). When producing statistics using SEER Incidence or US Mortality data for American Indians/Alaska Natives, SEER frequently only includes cases that are in a PRCDA.

Starting with the November 2022 submission (last data year 2020), the PRCDA 2020 variable is used. Prior to that, the following were used:

  • November 2019-November 2021 (last data year 2017-2019) – PRCDA 2017
  • November 2018 (last data year 2016) – PRCDA 2016
  • November 2012-November 2017 (last data year 2010-2015) – CHSDA 2012
  • November 2006-November 2011 (last data year 2004-2009) – CHSDA 2006

The following spreadsheet has the PRCDA 2020, 2017, and 2016, and the CHSDA 2012 and 2006 variable definitions used in SEER*Stat: [Excel (XLSX, 153 KB)] [PDF (PDF, 6.3 MB)]

The values for the following 34 counties were changed to PRCDA 2020 from Not PRCDA 2017:

  • MN: Crow Wing County (27035)
  • MN: Morrison County (27097)
  • MT: Cascade County (30013)
  • UT: Davis County (49011)
  • UT: Salt Lake County (49035)
  • UT: Weber County (49057)
  • VA: Albemarle County (51003)
  • VA: Amherst County (51009)
  • VA: Appomattox County (51011)
  • VA: Augusta County (51015)
  • VA: Botetourt County (51023)
  • VA: Buckingham County (51029)
  • VA: Campbell County (51031)
  • VA: Charles City County (51036)
  • VA: Essex County (51057)
  • VA: James City County (51095) - 1982+
  • VA: Middlesex County (51119)
  • VA: Nelson County (51125)
  • VA: Richmond County (51159)
  • VA: Rockbridge County (51163)
  • VA: Buena Vista City (51530)
  • VA: Charlottesville City (51540)
  • VA: Chesapeake City (51550)
  • VA: Hampton City (51650)
  • VA: Lexington City (51678)
  • VA: Lynchburg City (51680)
  • VA: Newport News City (51700)
  • VA: Norfolk City (51710)
  • VA: Portsmouth City (51740)
  • VA: Staunton City (51790)
  • VA: Suffolk City (51800)
  • VA: Virginia Beach City (51810)
  • VA: Waynesboro City (51820)
  • VA: Bedford City and County (51917)

The value for James/York/Poquoson/Williamsburg counties in Virginia (51911) changed to unknown PRCDA 2020 from Not PRCDA 2017.

The values for the following 8 counties were changed to PRCDA 2017 from Not PRCDA 2016:

  • ME: Hancock County (23009)
  • VA: Caroline County (51033)
  • VA: Hanover County (51085)
  • VA: Henrico County (51087)
  • VA: King and Queen County (51097)
  • VA: King William County (51101)
  • VA: New Kent County (51127)
  • VA: Richmond City (51760)

The value for unknown county in Virginia (51999) changed to unknown PRCDA 2017 from Not PRCDA 2016.

The values for the following 8 counties were changed to PRCDA 2016 from Not CHSDA 2012:

  • AL: Elmore County (01051)
  • CA: Kern County (06029)
  • CA: Sacramento County (06067)
  • NY: Nassau County (36059)
  • NY: Suffolk County (36103)
  • OR: Columbia County (41009)
  • WA: Kittitas County (53037)
  • WA: Wahkiakum County (53069)


Appalachia is a term used to describe a cultural region in the eastern United States that stretches from southern New York state to northern Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Counties of the whole state of West Virginia and some counties of the following states are included in this region: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Currently, the Appalachian Regional Commission defines Appalachia to include 428 counties/independent cities. The original version of the Appalachia variable, based on an earlier definition, included slightly fewer counties/independent cities. Both versions of the variable are available. The original version was renamed “Appalachia (ARC 2007).” The new version of the variable is “Appalachia (ARC 2008 rev).”

The following spreadsheet has the Appalachia variable definition used in SEER*Stat for both the original (2007 ACR) and the revised (2008 ARC Rev): [Excel (XLS, 392 KB)] [PDF (PDF, 683 KB)]