The Tumor Size Recode was developed so that researchers could look at tumor size over a period of time.

For analysis over time, the following values are available:

Code Description
000 No evidence of primary tumor
001-400 0.1cm to 40.0cm
990 Microscopic focus
998 Site-specific code
999 Unknown or size unreasonable (includes any tumor sizes 401-989)
XX1 Tumor Size Not Consistent Over Time or Not Applicable for this Site

In the SEER data, there are three different tumor size variables:

  • EOD-Tumor Size [NAACCR Data Item # 780], 1988-2003
  • CS Tumor Size [NAACCR Data Item # 2800], 2004-2015
  • Tumor Size Summary [NAACCR Data Item # 756], 2016+

The definitions between the three different data items are very similar; however, there are some differences that made looking at the data over time difficult. The purpose of the recode was to standardize the definitions. Examples include:

  • Certain primary site/histology combinations were noted to be “not applicable,” for 1 or 2 of the tumor size data items. For these cases, the recode has them not applicable for all years.
  • CS Tumor Size had several codes (991-997) that were ranges instead of a specific size. For these ranges, the midpoint was chosen to be the actual tumor size (i.e., 2-3 cm would become 2.5 cm)
  • In addition, certain primary site/histology combinations (mostly Hematopoietic neoplasms) had instructions that tumor size was always 999 (unknown), but there were still cases where another tumor size was recorded. These cases were also fixed and are now 999 (unknown)

Note: The original data from the three tumor size fields has not been changed.

In preparation for the Tumor Size Recode, an analysis was done on all sites and tumor sizes to determine what was a reasonable tumor size for each specific primary site/subsite. This was done to address the concerns of researchers who had noted extreme tumor sizes in some of the cases. These accounted for a very small percentage of cases. For each primary site, a range for Tumor Size was determined. Any case with a tumor size outside of that range had the recoded tumor size changed to 999 (unknown). In addition, any case with Tumor Size recorded 401-989 (40.1 cm to 98.9 cm) was automatically converted to 999.

The table below shows the range definitions for every primary site.

Based on the ranges:

  • Any tumor size outside of the range will be converted to 999
  • Any primary site with tumor size 401-989 (40.1-98.9) will be converted to 999
Primary Site Acceptable Range
C000 External Upper Lip 000-060, 990, 999
C001 External Upper Lip 000-070, 990, 999
C002 External Lip NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C003 Mucosa of Upper Lip 000-070, 990, 999
C004 Mucosa of Lower Lip 000-070, 990, 999
C005 Mucosa of Lip NOS 000-050, 990, 999
C006 Commissure of Lip 000-070, 990, 999
C008 Overlapping lesion of Lip 000-080, 990, 999
C009 Lip NOS 000-090, 990, 999
C019 Base of Tongue NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C020 Dorsal Surface of Tongue NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C021 Border of Tongue NOS 000-070, 990, 999
C022 Ventral Surface of Tongue NOS 000-070, 990, 999
C023 Anterior 2/3 of Tongue NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C024 Lingual Tonsil 000-070, 990, 999
C028 Overlapping lesion of the tongue 000-080, 990, 999
C029 Tongue NOS 000-090, 990, 999
C030 Upper gum 000-070, 990, 999
C031 Lower gum 000-090, 990, 999
C039 Gum NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C040 Anterior floor of mouth 000-080, 990, 999
C041 Lateral floor of mouth 000-080, 990, 999
C048 Overlapping lesion of floor of mouth 000-100, 990, 999
C049 Floor of mouth NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C050 Hard Palate 000-080, 990, 999
C051 Soft Palate NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C052 Uvula 000-060, 990, 999
C058 Overlapping lesion of palate 000-080, 990, 999
C059 Palate NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C060 Cheek mucosa 000-100, 990, 999
C061 Vestibule of mouth 000-070, 990, 999
C062 Retromolar area 000-080, 990, 999
C068 Overlapping lesion of other & unspecified mouth 000-100, 990, 999
C069 Mouth NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C079 Parotid gland 000-100, 990, 999
C080 Submandibular gland 000-100, 990, 999
C081 Sublingual gland 000-070, 990, 999
C088 Overlapping lesion of major salivary glands 000-070, 990, 999
C089 Major salivary gland NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C090 Tonsillar fossa 000-090, 990, 999
C091 Tonsillar pillar 000-070, 990, 999
C098 Overlapping lesion of tonsil 000-090, 990, 999
C099 Tonsil NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C100 Vallecula 000-070, 990, 999
C101 Anterior surface of epiglottis 000-060, 990, 999
C102 Lateral wall of oropharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C103 Posterior wall of oropharynx 000-090, 990, 999
C104 Branchial cleft 000-100, 990, 999
C108 Overlapping lesion of oropharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C109 Oropharynx NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C110 Superior wall of nasopharynx 000-070, 990, 999
C111 Posterior wall of nasopharynx 000-090, 990, 999
C112 Lateral wall of nasopharynx 000-080, 990, 999
C113 Anterior wall of nasopharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C118 Overlapping lesion of nasopharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C119 Nasopharynx NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C129 Pyriform Sinus 000-090, 990, 999
C130 Postcricoid Region 000-080, 990, 999
C131 Aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal 000-200, 990, 999
C132 Posterior wall of hypopharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C138 Overlapping lesion of hypopharynx 000-150, 990, 999
C139 Hypopharynx NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C140 Pharynx NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C142 Waldeyer’s Ring 000-050, 990, 999
C148 Overlapping lesion of lip, oral cavity & pharynx 000-100, 990, 999
C150 Cervical esophagus 000-150, 990, 999
C151 Thoracic esophagus 000-200, 990, 999
C152 Abdominal esophagus 000-100, 990, 999
C153 Upper third of esophagus 000-150, 990, 999
C154 Middle third of esophagus 000-150, 990, 999
C155 Lower third of esophagus 000-150, 990, 999
C158 Overlapping lesion of esophagus 000-200, 990, 999
C159 Esophagus NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C160 Cardia NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C161 Fundus of stomach 000-200, 990, 999
C162 Body of stomach 000-200, 990, 999
C163 Gastric Antrum 000-150, 990, 999
C164 Pylorus 000-150, 990, 999
C165 Lesser curvature of stomach NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C166 Greater curvature of stomach NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C168 Overlapping lesion of stomach 000-250, 990, 999
C169 Stomach NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C170 Duodenum 000-150, 990, 999
C171 Jejunum 000-200, 990, 999
C172 Ileum 000-150, 990, 999
C173 Meckel’s diverticulum 000-150, 990, 999
C178 Overlapping lesion of small intestine 000-200, 990, 999
C179 Small Intestine NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C180 Cecum 000-150, 990, 999
C181 Appendix 000-150, 990, 999
C182 Ascending Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C183 Hepatic Flexure of Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C184 Transverse Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C185 Splenic Flexure of Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C186 Descending Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C187 Sigmoid Colon 000-150, 990, 999
C188 Overlapping lesion of colon 000-200, 990, 999
C189 Colon NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C199 Rectosigmoid Junction 000-150, 990, 999
C209 Rectum NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C210 Anus NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C211 Anal Canal 000-150, 990, 999
C212 Cloacogenic zone 000-150, 990, 999
C218 Overlapping lesion of rectum, anus and anal canal 000-200, 990, 999
C220 Liver 000-200, 990, 999
C221 Intrahepatic Bile Duct 000-200, 990, 999
C239 Gallbladder 000-150, 990, 999
C240 Extrahepatic Bile Duct 000-150, 990, 999
C241 Ampulla of Vater 000-150, 990, 999
C248 Overlapping lesion of biliary tract 000-200, 990, 999
C249 Biliary Tract NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C250 Head of Pancreas 000-100, 990, 999
C251 Body of Pancreas 000-150, 990, 999
C252 Tail of Pancreas 000-150, 990, 999
C253 Pancreatic Duct 000-150, 990, 999
C254 Islets of Langerhans 000-200, 990, 999
C257 Other specified parts of pancreas 000-090, 990, 999
C258 Overlapping lesion of pancreas 000-150, 990, 999
C259 Pancreas NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C260 Intestinal tract NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C268 Overlapping lesion of digestive system 000-200, 990, 999
C269 Gastrointestinal tract NOS 000-400, 990, 999
C300 Nasal Cavity 000-100, 990, 999
C301 Middle Ear 000-100, 990, 999
C310 Maxillary Sinus 000-100, 990, 999
C311 Ethmoid sinus 000-150, 990, 999
C312 Frontal sinus 000-080, 990, 999
C313 Sphenoid sinus 000-070, 990, 999
C318 Overlapping lesions of accessory sinuses 000-090, 990, 999
C319 Accessory sinus NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C320 Glottis 000-090, 990, 999
C321 Supraglottis 000-080, 990, 999
C322 Subglottis 000-080, 990, 999
C323 Laryngeal Cartilage 000-100, 990, 999
C328 Overlapping lesion of larynx 000-090, 990, 999
C329 Larynx NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C339 Trachea 000-100, 990, 999
C340 Main Bronchus 000-150, 990, 999
C341 Upper lobe lung 000-150, 990, 999
C342 Middle lobe lung 000-150, 990, 999
C343 Lower lobe lung 000-100, 990, 999
C348 Overlapping lesion of the lung 000-200, 990, 999
C349 Lung NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C379 Thymus 000-200, 990, 999
C380 Heart 000-200, 990, 999
C381 Anterior Mediastinum 000-250, 990, 999
C382 Posterior Mediastinum 000-400, 990, 999
C383 Mediastinum NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C384 Pleura NOS 000-350, 990, 999
C388 Overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura 000-200, 990, 999
C390 Upper respiratory tract, NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C398 Overlapping lesion of respiratory system 000-100, 990, 999
C400 Long bone upper limb 000-250, 990, 999
C401 Short bone upper limb 000-250, 990, 999
C402 Long bone lower limb 000-350, 990, 999
C403 Short bone lower limb 000-400, 990, 999
C408 Overlapping lesion of bones, joints, and art. Cartilage of limbs 000-150, 990, 999
C409 Bone limb, NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C410 Bone Skull, Face 000-100, 990, 999
C411 Mandible 000-150, 990, 999
C412 Vertebral Col 000-200, 990, 999
C413 Bone Rib, Stern 000-250, 990, 999
C414 Bone Pelvic 000-250, 990, 999
C418 Overlap Bone 000-200, 990, 999
C419 Bone NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C420 Blood Tumor size always 999
C421 Bone Marrow Tumor size always 999
C422 Spleen 000-250, 990, 999
C423 Reticuloendothelial system, NOS Tumor size always 999
C424 Hematopoietic system, NOS Tumor size always 999
C440 Skin of lip, NOS 000-040, 990, 999
C441 Eyelid 000-070, 990, 999
C442 External Ear 000-100, 990, 999
C443 Skin other/unspecified parts of face 000-090, 990, 999
C444 Skin of scalp and neck 000-150, 990, 999
C445 Skin of trunk 000-200, 990, 999
C446 Skin of upper limb and shoulder 000-150, 990, 999
C447 Skin of lower limb and hip 000-150, 990, 999
C448 Overlapping lesion of skin 000-250, 990, 999
C449 Skin NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C470 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: head, face, neck 000-200, 990, 999
C471 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: upper limb, shoulder 000-300, 990, 999
C472 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: lower limb, hip 000-300, 990, 999
C473 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: thorax 000-250, 990, 999
C474 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: abdomen 000-300, 990, 999
C475 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: pelvis 000-250, 990, 999
C476 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: trunk, NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C478 Overlapping lesions of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system 000-150, 990, 999
C479 Autonomic nervous systems, NOS 000-250, 990, 999
C480 Retroperitoneum 000-400, 990, 999
C481 Specified parts of peritoneum 000-400, 990, 999
C482 Peritoneum, NOS 000-400, 990, 999
C488  Overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum 000-400, 990, 999
C490-Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: head, face, neck 000-200, 990, 999
C491 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: upper limb, shoulder 000-250, 990, 999
C492 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: lower limb, hip 000-400, 990, 999
C493 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue:: thorax 000-300, 990, 999
C494 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: abdomen 000-400, 990, 999
C495 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: pelvis 000-250, 990, 999
C496 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue: trunk, NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C498-Overlapping connective, subcutaneous, and other soft tissues 000-400, 990, 999
C499 Connective, subcutaneous, other soft tissue, NOS 000-400, 990, 999
C500 Nipple 000-200, 990, 999
C501 Central Portion Breast 000-150, 990, 999
C502 Upper-inner quadrant of breast 000-080, 990, 999
C503 Lower-inner quadrant of breast 000-080, 990, 999
C504 Upper-outer quadrant of breast 000-090, 990, 999
C505 Lower-outer quadrant of breast 000-090, 990, 999
C506 Axillary tail of breast 000-090, 990, 999
C508 Overlapping lesion of breast 000-150, 990, 999
C509 Breast, NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C510 Labium majus 000-100, 990, 999
C511 Labium minus 000-080, 990, 999
C512 Clitoris 000-090, 990, 999
C518 Overlap Vulva 000-150, 990, 999
C519 Vulva NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C529 Vagina 000-150, 990, 999
C530 Endocervix 000-150, 990, 999
C531 Exocervix 000-100, 990, 999
C538 Overlap Cervix 000-150, 990, 999
C539 Cervix NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C540 Isthmus Uteri 000-250, 990, 999
C541 Endometrium 000-150, 990, 999
C542 Myometrium 000-350, 990, 999
C543 Uterus Fundus 000-300, 990, 999
C548 Overlap Uterus 000-200, 990, 999
C549 Corpus Uteri NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C559 Uterus NOS 000-350, 990, 999
C569 Ovary 000-350, 990, 999
C570 Fallopian Tube 000-200, 990, 999
C571 Broad Ligament 000-250, 990, 999
C572 Round Ligament 000-060, 990, 999
C573 Parametrium 000-150, 990, 999
C574 Uterine Adnexa 000-400, 990, 999
C577 Other Fem Gen 000-200, 990, 999
C578 Overlap Fem Gen 000-400, 990, 999
C579 Female Genital NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C589 Placenta 000-200, 990, 999
C600 Prepuce 000-090, 990, 999
C601 Glans Penis 000-100, 990, 999
C602 Body Penis 000-150, 990, 999
C608 Overlap Penis 000-150, 990, 999
C609 Penis NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C619 Prostate 000-100, 990, 999
C620 Undescended Testis 000-250, 990, 999
C621 Descended Testis 000-150, 990, 999
C629 Testis NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C630 Epididymis 000-090, 990, 999
C631 Spermatic Cord 000-300, 990, 999
C632 Scrotum 000-250, 990, 999
C637 Other Male Gen 000-150, 990, 999
C638 Overlap Male Gen 000-150, 990, 999
C639 Male Genital NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C649 Kidney 000-200, 990, 999
C659 Renal Pelvis 000-150, 990, 999
C669 Ureter 000-200, 990, 999
C670 Trigone Bladder 000-100, 990, 999
C671 Dome Bladder 000-150, 990, 999
C672 Lateral Bladder 000-100, 990, 999
C673 Anterior Bladder 000-100, 990, 999
C674 Posterior Bladder 000-100, 990, 999
C675 Bladder Neck 000-100, 990, 999
C676 Ureteric Orifice 000-080, 990, 999
C677 Urachus 000-200, 990, 999
C678 Overlapping lesion of bladder 000-150, 990, 999
C679 Bladder NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C680 Urethra 000-150, 990, 999
C681 Paraurethral Gland 000-060, 990, 999
C688 Overlapping lesion of urinary organs 000-300, 990, 999
C689 Urinary NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C690 Conjunctiva 000-090, 990, 999
C691 Cornea, NOS 000-070, 990, 999
C692 Retina 000-200, 990, 999
C693 Choroid 000-020, 990, 999
C694 Ciliary Body 000-030, 990, 999
C695 Lacrimal Gland 000-080, 990, 999
C696 Orbit, NOS 000-100, 990, 999
C698 Overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa 000-060, 990, 999
C699 Eye, NOS 000-060, 990, 999
C700 Cerebral Meninges 000-150, 990, 999
C701 Spinal Meninges 000-150, 990, 999
C709 Meninges, NOS 000-080, 990, 999
C710 Cerebrum 000-090, 990, 999
C711 Frontal Lobe 000-090, 990, 999
C712 Temporal Lobe 000-090, 990, 999
C713 Parietal Lobe 000-090, 990, 999
C714 Occipital Lobe 000-090, 990, 999
C715 Ventricle 000-100, 990, 999
C716 Cerebellum 000-080, 990, 999
C717 Brain Stem 000-090, 990, 999
C718 Overlap Brain 000-100, 990, 999
C719 Brain, NOS 000-090, 990, 999
C720 Spinal Cord 000-150, 990, 999
C721 Cauda Equina 000-150, 990, 999
C722 Olfactory Nerve 000-060, 990, 999
C723 Optic Nerve 000-150, 990, 999
C724 Acoustic Nerve 000-100, 990, 999
C725 Cranial Nerve, NOS 000-200, 990, 999
C728 Overlapping lesion of brain and CNS 000-070, 990, 999
C729  Nervous System, NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C739 Thyroid Gland 000-090, 990, 999
C740 Cortex Adrenal 000-300, 990, 999
C741 Medulla Adrenal 000-400, 990, 999
C749 Adrenal Gland NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C750 Parathyroid  Gland 000-090, 990, 999
C751 Pituitary Gland 000-150, 990, 999
C752 Craniopharyngeal Duct 000-060, 990, 999
C753 Pineal Gland 000-070, 990, 999
C754 Carotid  Body 000-090, 990, 999
C755 Aortic Body 000-090, 990, 999
C758 Overlapping lesion of endocrine glands 000-400,990,999
C759 Endocrine NOS 000-400,990,999
C760 Head, face or neck, NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C761 Thorax, NOS 000-150, 990, 999
C762 Abdomen, NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C763 Pelvis, NOS 000-300, 990, 999
C764 Upper limb, NOS 000-400,990,999
C765 Lower limb, NOS 000-400,990,999
C767 Other ill-defined, NOS 000-400,990,999
C768 Overlapping lesion of ill-defined sites 000-400,990,999
C770 Lymph nodes of head, face & neck Tumor size always 999
C771 Intrathoracic lymph nodes Tumor size always 999
C772 Intra-abdominal lymph nodes Tumor size always 999
C773 Lymph nodes of axilla or arm Tumor size always 999
C774 Lymph nodes of inguinal region or leg Tumor size always 999
C775 Pelvic lymph nodes Tumor size always 999
C778 Lymph nodes of multiple regions Tumor size always 999
C779 Lymph node, NOS Tumor size always 999
C809 Unknown primary site Tumor size always 999